Candy Shake Cup Switch Game Review

Candy Shake Cup is “Mordie bait” in that it is unique puzzling action. However, unlike, say, Suika Game, I’m not to proclaim this an instant Must Play and spend the next three hundred words lauding it with praise. The game is good, not great. It has some problems, which I’ll get into. So what is Candy Shake Cup? It’s where colored candy falls into a cup and you eliminate three or more like-colored candies that touch. You do this either via the touch-screen or left-stick and A-button. You can rearrange the candy by shaking the joy cons. In addition to standard can there ink and snowflake candy, that must be popped-twice to disappear. There is color-change candy, which changes color. Snowflake candy is popped indirectly. Finally, popping five or more candies give you power candies that pop a lot of candy at once.

The issues with Candy Shake Cup are three-fold. First, candy may be next to each other, but not touch, as Suika-like physics are used. This can get annoying and require a shake or two. Second, the left stick automatically selected touching candy, so when things get full, you just randomly flick the stick and press A, and clear the cup. Third, the power candy is way too powerful and clears the cup easily. Essentially, the game is kinda easy. I was waiting for it get hard, but never really does, the flick trick will get you out of jams, especially after a shake.

In the end, Candy Shake Cup is a solid puzzle game, but I don’t feel anyone needs to play it. Candy Shake clones will not flood the E-Shop. Get it if you want it, but I’m going to give a YMMV with a seven back-end score.

Overall: Candy Shake Cup certainly is unique, but its problem make me indifferent to it. Get it if you want, or not.

Verdict: YMMV

Release Date2/1/24
PublisherBluSped Studio
ESRB RatingE
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